I write about learning to become a Systemic Modelling facilitator and related topics.
Hi! I enjoy unexpected moments that break patterns (hello bread loaf in Calgary!) and being around people who love learning and creating. I’ve spent about 2/3 of my life on the northeast coast of the US and 1/3 in Japan. After 11 years in Tokyo, I’m realizing that I’ve become an immigrant.
Since shutting down a blog several years ago because “no one was reading it,” I’ve realized that I did myself a disservice. Those old blog posts are precious records that tracked my thinking and now help me to appreciate my own development. At present, I care most about tracking how I learn to be a Systemic Modelling facilitator based on the work of Caitlin Walker. I won’t take time to explain all of the concepts involved, so if you are interested in more information, I recommend exploring the links in my posts and visiting the Clean Learning website. I’m happy to connect via LinkedIn if you send me a quick note explaining who you are. 😉